module NMatrix::ATLAS::BLAS

Public Class Methods

cblas_asum(p1, p2, p3) click to toggle source

Call any of the cblas_xasum functions as directly as possible.

xASUM is a BLAS level 1 routine which calculates the sum of absolute values of the entries of a vector x.


* n     :: length of x, must be at least 0
* x     :: pointer to first entry of input vector
* incx  :: stride of x, must be POSITIVE (ATLAS says non-zero, but 3.8.4 code only allows positive)

You probably don't want to call this function. Instead, why don't you try asum, which is more flexible with its arguments?

This function does almost no type checking. Seriously, be really careful when you call it! There's no exception handling, so you can easily crash Ruby!

static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_asum(VALUE self, VALUE n, VALUE x, VALUE incx) {

  static void (*ttable[nm::NUM_DTYPES])(const int N, const void* X, const int incX, void* sum) = {

  nm::dtype_t dtype  = NM_DTYPE(x);

  // Determine the return dtype and allocate it
  nm::dtype_t rdtype = dtype;
  if      (dtype == nm::COMPLEX64)  rdtype = nm::FLOAT32;
  else if (dtype == nm::COMPLEX128) rdtype = nm::FLOAT64;

  void *Result = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[rdtype]);

  ttable[dtype](FIX2INT(n), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(x)->elements, FIX2INT(incx), Result);

  return rubyobj_from_cval(Result, rdtype).rval;
cblas_gemm(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14) click to toggle source

Call any of the cblas_xgemm functions as directly as possible.

The cblas_xgemm functions (dgemm, sgemm, cgemm, and zgemm) define the following operation:

C = alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*C

where op(X) is one of op(X) = X, op(X) = X**T, or the complex conjugate of X.

Note that this will only work for dense matrices that are of types :float32, :float64, :complex64, and :complex128. Other types are not implemented in BLAS, and while they exist in NMatrix, this method is intended only to expose the ultra-optimized ATLAS versions.



You probably don't want to call this function. Instead, why don't you try gemm, which is more flexible with its arguments?

This function does almost no type checking. Seriously, be really careful when you call it! There's no exception handling, so you can easily crash Ruby!

static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_gemm(VALUE self,
                           VALUE order,
                           VALUE trans_a, VALUE trans_b,
                           VALUE m, VALUE n, VALUE k,
                           VALUE alpha,
                           VALUE a, VALUE lda,
                           VALUE b, VALUE ldb,
                           VALUE beta,
                           VALUE c, VALUE ldc)
  NAMED_DTYPE_TEMPLATE_TABLE(ttable, nm::math::atlas::cblas_gemm, void, const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans_a, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans_b, int m, int n, int k, void* alpha, void* a, int lda, void* b, int ldb, void* beta, void* c, int ldc);

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(a);

  void *pAlpha = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]),
       *pBeta  = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);
  rubyval_to_cval(alpha, dtype, pAlpha);
  rubyval_to_cval(beta, dtype, pBeta);

  ttable[dtype](blas_order_sym(order), blas_transpose_sym(trans_a), blas_transpose_sym(trans_b), FIX2INT(m), FIX2INT(n), FIX2INT(k), pAlpha, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(a)->elements, FIX2INT(lda), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(b)->elements, FIX2INT(ldb), pBeta, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(c)->elements, FIX2INT(ldc));

  return c;
cblas_gemv(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11) click to toggle source

Call any of the cblas_xgemv functions as directly as possible.

The cblas_xgemv functions (dgemv, sgemv, cgemv, and zgemv) define the following operation:

y = alpha*op(A)*x + beta*y

where op(A) is one of op(A) = A, op(A) = A**T, or the complex conjugate of A.

Note that this will only work for dense matrices that are of types :float32, :float64, :complex64, and :complex128. Other types are not implemented in BLAS, and while they exist in NMatrix, this method is intended only to expose the ultra-optimized ATLAS versions.



You probably don't want to call this function. Instead, why don't you try ::cblas_gemv, which is more flexible with its arguments?

This function does almost no type checking. Seriously, be really careful when you call it! There's no exception handling, so you can easily crash Ruby!

static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_gemv(VALUE self,
                           VALUE trans_a,
                           VALUE m, VALUE n,
                           VALUE alpha,
                           VALUE a, VALUE lda,
                           VALUE x, VALUE incx,
                           VALUE beta,
                           VALUE y, VALUE incy)
  NAMED_DTYPE_TEMPLATE_TABLE(ttable, nm::math::atlas::cblas_gemv, bool, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE, const int, const int, const void*, const void*, const int, const void*, const int, const void*, void*, const int)

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(a);

  void *pAlpha = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]),
       *pBeta  = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);
  rubyval_to_cval(alpha, dtype, pAlpha);
  rubyval_to_cval(beta, dtype, pBeta);

  return ttable[dtype](blas_transpose_sym(trans_a), FIX2INT(m), FIX2INT(n), pAlpha, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(a)->elements, FIX2INT(lda), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(x)->elements, FIX2INT(incx), pBeta, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(y)->elements, FIX2INT(incy)) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
cblas_herk(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11) click to toggle source
static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_herk(VALUE self,
                           VALUE order,
                           VALUE uplo,
                           VALUE trans,
                           VALUE n, VALUE k,
                           VALUE alpha,
                           VALUE a, VALUE lda,
                           VALUE beta,
                           VALUE c, VALUE ldc)

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(a);

  if (dtype == nm::COMPLEX64) {
    cblas_cherk(blas_order_sym(order), blas_uplo_sym(uplo), blas_transpose_sym(trans), FIX2INT(n), FIX2INT(k), NUM2DBL(alpha), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(a)->elements, FIX2INT(lda), NUM2DBL(beta), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(c)->elements, FIX2INT(ldc));
  } else if (dtype == nm::COMPLEX128) {
    cblas_zherk(blas_order_sym(order), blas_uplo_sym(uplo), blas_transpose_sym(trans), FIX2INT(n), FIX2INT(k), NUM2DBL(alpha), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(a)->elements, FIX2INT(lda), NUM2DBL(beta), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(c)->elements, FIX2INT(ldc));
  } else
    rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "this matrix operation undefined for non-complex dtypes");
  return Qtrue;
NMatrix::BLAS.cblas_imax(n, vector, inc) → Fixnum click to toggle source

BLAS level 1 routine.

Return the index of the largest element of vector.

  • n -> Vector's size. Generally, you can use NMatrix#rows or NMatrix#cols.

  • vector -> A NMatrix of shape [n,1] or [1,n] with any dtype.

  • inc -> It's the increment used when searching. Use 1 except if you know what you're doing.

static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_imax(VALUE self, VALUE n, VALUE x, VALUE incx) {
  NAMED_DTYPE_TEMPLATE_TABLE(ttable, nm::math::atlas::cblas_imax, int, const int n, const void* x, const int incx);

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(x);

  int index = ttable[dtype](FIX2INT(n), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(x)->elements, FIX2INT(incx));

  // Convert to Ruby's Int value.
  return INT2FIX(index);
cblas_nrm2(p1, p2, p3) click to toggle source

Call any of the cblas_xnrm2 functions as directly as possible.

xNRM2 is a BLAS level 1 routine which calculates the 2-norm of an n-vector x.


* n     :: length of x, must be at least 0
* x     :: pointer to first entry of input vector
* incx  :: stride of x, must be POSITIVE (ATLAS says non-zero, but 3.8.4 code only allows positive)

You probably don't want to call this function. Instead, why don't you try nrm2, which is more flexible with its arguments?

This function does almost no type checking. Seriously, be really careful when you call it! There's no exception handling, so you can easily crash Ruby!

static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_nrm2(VALUE self, VALUE n, VALUE x, VALUE incx) {

  static void (*ttable[nm::NUM_DTYPES])(const int N, const void* X, const int incX, void* sum) = {
      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // no help for integers

  nm::dtype_t dtype  = NM_DTYPE(x);

  if (!ttable[dtype]) {
    rb_raise(nm_eDataTypeError, "this operation undefined for integer vectors");
    return Qnil;

  } else {
    // Determine the return dtype and allocate it
    nm::dtype_t rdtype = dtype;
    if      (dtype == nm::COMPLEX64)  rdtype = nm::FLOAT32;
    else if (dtype == nm::COMPLEX128) rdtype = nm::FLOAT64;

    void *Result = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[rdtype]);

    ttable[dtype](FIX2INT(n), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(x)->elements, FIX2INT(incx), Result);

    return rubyobj_from_cval(Result, rdtype).rval;
cblas_rot(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) click to toggle source

Call any of the cblas_xrot functions as directly as possible.

xROT is a BLAS level 1 routine (taking two vectors) which applies a plane rotation.

It's tough to find documentation on xROT. Here are what we think the arguments are for:

* n     :: number of elements to consider in x and y
* x     :: a vector (expects an NVector)
* incx  :: stride of x
* y     :: a vector (expects an NVector)
* incy  :: stride of y
* c     :: cosine of the angle of rotation
* s     :: sine of the angle of rotation

Note that c and s will be the same dtype as x and y, except when x and y are complex. If x and y are complex, c and s will be float for Complex64 or double for Complex128.

You probably don't want to call this function. Instead, why don't you try rot, which is more flexible with its arguments?

This function does almost no type checking. Seriously, be really careful when you call it! There's no exception handling, so you can easily crash Ruby!

static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_rot(VALUE self, VALUE n, VALUE x, VALUE incx, VALUE y, VALUE incy, VALUE c, VALUE s) {
  static void (*ttable[nm::NUM_DTYPES])(const int N, void*, const int, void*, const int, const void*, const void*) = {
      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // can't represent c and s as integers, so no point in having integer operations.

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(x);

  if (!ttable[dtype]) {
    rb_raise(nm_eDataTypeError, "this operation undefined for integer vectors");
    return Qfalse;
  } else {
    void *pC, *pS;

    // We need to ensure the cosine and sine arguments are the correct dtype -- which may differ from the actual dtype.
    if (dtype == nm::COMPLEX64) {
      pC = NM_ALLOCA_N(float,1);
      pS = NM_ALLOCA_N(float,1);
      rubyval_to_cval(c, nm::FLOAT32, pC);
      rubyval_to_cval(s, nm::FLOAT32, pS);
    } else if (dtype == nm::COMPLEX128) {
      pC = NM_ALLOCA_N(double,1);
      pS = NM_ALLOCA_N(double,1);
      rubyval_to_cval(c, nm::FLOAT64, pC);
      rubyval_to_cval(s, nm::FLOAT64, pS);
    } else {
      pC = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);
      pS = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);
      rubyval_to_cval(c, dtype, pC);
      rubyval_to_cval(s, dtype, pS);

    ttable[dtype](FIX2INT(n), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(x)->elements, FIX2INT(incx), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(y)->elements, FIX2INT(incy), pC, pS);

    return Qtrue;
cblas_rotg(p1) click to toggle source

Call any of the cblas_xrotg functions as directly as possible.

xROTG computes the elements of a Givens plane rotation matrix such that:

|  c s |   | a |   | r |
| -s c | * | b | = | 0 |

where r = +- sqrt( a**2 + b**2 ) and c**2 + s**2 = 1.

The Givens plane rotation can be used to introduce zero elements into a matrix selectively.

This function differs from most of the other raw BLAS accessors. Instead of providing a, b, c, s as arguments, you should only provide a and b (the inputs), and you should provide them as the first two elements of any dense NMatrix type.

The outputs [c,s] will be returned in a Ruby Array at the end; the input NMatrix will also be modified in-place.

This function, like the other cblas_ functions, does minimal type-checking.

static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_rotg(VALUE self, VALUE ab) {
  static void (*ttable[nm::NUM_DTYPES])(void* a, void* b, void* c, void* s) = {
      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // can't represent c and s as integers, so no point in having integer operations.
      NULL //nm::math::atlas::cblas_rotg<nm::RubyObject>

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(ab);

  if (!ttable[dtype]) {
    rb_raise(nm_eDataTypeError, "this operation undefined for integer vectors");
    return Qnil;

  } else {
    void *pC = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]),
         *pS = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);

    // extract A and B from the NVector (first two elements)
    void* pA = NM_STORAGE_DENSE(ab)->elements;
    void* pB = (char*)(NM_STORAGE_DENSE(ab)->elements) + DTYPE_SIZES[dtype];
    // c and s are output

    ttable[dtype](pA, pB, pC, pS);

    VALUE result = rb_ary_new2(2);

    if (dtype == nm::RUBYOBJ) {
      rb_ary_store(result, 0, *reinterpret_cast<VALUE*>(pC));
      rb_ary_store(result, 1, *reinterpret_cast<VALUE*>(pS));
    } else {
      rb_ary_store(result, 0, rubyobj_from_cval(pC, dtype).rval);
      rb_ary_store(result, 1, rubyobj_from_cval(pS, dtype).rval);
    return result;
NMatrix::BLAS.cblas_scal(n, alpha, vector, inc) → NMatrix click to toggle source

BLAS level 1 function scal. Works with all dtypes.

Scale vector in-place by alpha and also return it. The operation is as follows:

x <- alpha * x
  • n -> Number of elements of vector.

  • alpha -> Scalar value used in the operation.

  • vector -> NMatrix of shape [n,1] or [1,n]. Modified in-place.

  • inc -> Increment used in the scaling function. Should generally be 1.

static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_scal(VALUE self, VALUE n, VALUE alpha, VALUE vector, VALUE incx) {
  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(vector);

  void* scalar = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);
  rubyval_to_cval(alpha, dtype, scalar);

  NAMED_DTYPE_TEMPLATE_TABLE(ttable, nm::math::atlas::cblas_scal, void, const int n,
      const void* scalar, void* x, const int incx);

  ttable[dtype](FIX2INT(n), scalar, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(vector)->elements,

  return vector;
cblas_syrk(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11) click to toggle source
static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_syrk(VALUE self,
                           VALUE order,
                           VALUE uplo,
                           VALUE trans,
                           VALUE n, VALUE k,
                           VALUE alpha,
                           VALUE a, VALUE lda,
                           VALUE beta,
                           VALUE c, VALUE ldc)
  static void (*ttable[nm::NUM_DTYPES])(const enum CBLAS_ORDER, const enum CBLAS_UPLO, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
                                        const int n, const int k, const void* alpha, const void* a,
                                        const int lda, const void* beta, void* c, const int ldc) = {
      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // integers not allowed due to division
      cblas_csyrk, cblas_zsyrk, // call directly, same function signature!

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(a);

  if (!ttable[dtype]) {
    rb_raise(nm_eDataTypeError, "this matrix operation undefined for integer matrices");
  } else {
    void *pAlpha = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]),
         *pBeta = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);
    rubyval_to_cval(alpha, dtype, pAlpha);
    rubyval_to_cval(beta, dtype, pBeta);

    ttable[dtype](blas_order_sym(order), blas_uplo_sym(uplo), blas_transpose_sym(trans), FIX2INT(n), FIX2INT(k), pAlpha, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(a)->elements, FIX2INT(lda), pBeta, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(c)->elements, FIX2INT(ldc));

  return Qtrue;
cblas_trmm(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12) click to toggle source
static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_trmm(VALUE self,
                           VALUE order,
                           VALUE side, VALUE uplo,
                           VALUE trans_a, VALUE diag,
                           VALUE m, VALUE n,
                           VALUE alpha,
                           VALUE a, VALUE lda,
                           VALUE b, VALUE ldb)
  static void (*ttable[nm::NUM_DTYPES])(const enum CBLAS_ORDER,
                                        const enum CBLAS_SIDE, const enum CBLAS_UPLO,
                                        const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE, const enum CBLAS_DIAG,
                                        const int m, const int n, const void* alpha, const void* a,
                                        const int lda, void* b, const int ldb) = {
      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // integers not allowed due to division
      cblas_ctrmm, cblas_ztrmm, // call directly, same function signature!

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(a);

  if (!ttable[dtype]) {
    rb_raise(nm_eDataTypeError, "this matrix operation not yet defined for non-BLAS dtypes");
  } else {
    void *pAlpha = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);
    rubyval_to_cval(alpha, dtype, pAlpha);

    ttable[dtype](blas_order_sym(order), blas_side_sym(side), blas_uplo_sym(uplo), blas_transpose_sym(trans_a), blas_diag_sym(diag), FIX2INT(m), FIX2INT(n), pAlpha, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(a)->elements, FIX2INT(lda), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(b)->elements, FIX2INT(ldb));

  return b;
cblas_trsm(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12) click to toggle source
static VALUE nm_atlas_cblas_trsm(VALUE self,
                           VALUE order,
                           VALUE side, VALUE uplo,
                           VALUE trans_a, VALUE diag,
                           VALUE m, VALUE n,
                           VALUE alpha,
                           VALUE a, VALUE lda,
                           VALUE b, VALUE ldb)
  static void (*ttable[nm::NUM_DTYPES])(const enum CBLAS_ORDER, const enum CBLAS_SIDE, const enum CBLAS_UPLO,
                                        const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE, const enum CBLAS_DIAG,
                                        const int m, const int n, const void* alpha, const void* a,
                                        const int lda, void* b, const int ldb) = {
      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // integers not allowed due to division
      cblas_ctrsm, cblas_ztrsm, // call directly, same function signature!

  nm::dtype_t dtype = NM_DTYPE(a);

  if (!ttable[dtype]) {
    rb_raise(nm_eDataTypeError, "this matrix operation undefined for integer matrices");
  } else {
    void *pAlpha = NM_ALLOCA_N(char, DTYPE_SIZES[dtype]);
    rubyval_to_cval(alpha, dtype, pAlpha);

    ttable[dtype](blas_order_sym(order), blas_side_sym(side), blas_uplo_sym(uplo), blas_transpose_sym(trans_a), blas_diag_sym(diag), FIX2INT(m), FIX2INT(n), pAlpha, NM_STORAGE_DENSE(a)->elements, FIX2INT(lda), NM_STORAGE_DENSE(b)->elements, FIX2INT(ldb));

  return Qtrue;